Building one UWP app for Xbox and Windows XAML/C#, 10 minutes chrono to build dailymotion!

I will go over how we at dailymotion built our UWP app to be compatible Xbox and Windows 10, next I will try to build an application that can be used on Xbox and Windows 10. In this application we will have:

  • REST call to dailymotion api

  • List of videos on home screen

  • MVVM

  • Video page will load a webview that depending on if we are on Xbox or Desktop will load differently using DeviceFamily

  • Quickly show how to play with the Dailymotion Player SDK

Language EN
Level Level 300

.NET Standard


Damien Delaire
Damien Delaire

I am a currently working for Dailymotion as their Technical Lead on Windows & Smart TV apps.
